How to Choose Your GMAT Study Plan

By BlogMgmt On Feb 27, 2019 In  Study Plans General GMAT 


Finding the right GMAT study plan can help you stay on track and get the score you’re looking for. Many prospective MBA students face the difficult task of balancing a full-time job and preparing for the GMAT at the same time. So many prospective students with good intentions set a plan only to run out of steam in a few weeks. Understanding how you best work and what conditions need to be in place for you to succeed with a study plan can help set realistic milestones along the way. While self-directed study is possible, the considerable investment of an MBA makes looking at professional study plans a good option. The right GMAT study plan will keep you accountable, encourage you to keep going, and celebrate small successes along the way to help you stay motivated. Here’s what you should look.

Look for Flexibility

GMAT experts know that test takers come from all walks of life. Trying to stick everyone in a one-size-fits-all box won’t work. Students need options so they can fit studying in where it makes sense. Someone who has a month to cram for the test doesn’t want a paced six-month study plan. The same goes for a financial analyst with two kids who can’t spend four hours studying every night. GMAT study plans need to have built-in flexibility that can adjust to students.

The best plans have multiple options that come with different prices and time allotments. They’ll let you change the plan if things in changes in your life change alter your ability to study. Some test prep companies have subscription models where students pay monthly for as long as they study. That way they get access to all the same great educational content, but they won’t be stressed out to finish studying before a deadline.

Take a Free Trial

Don’t fall for paying for a course that won’t even let you tour through the material and see if it’s for you. The best GMAT study plans include a free trial period where students can understand what’s involved and what they’re paying for. Some providers even have a point improvement guarantee for students taking the GMAT over again because it takes away any stress associated with losing money in addition to not seeing improvement.

EMPOWERgmat has been helping MBA hopefuls master the GMAT for years with flexible and realistic GMAT study plans. We've developed strategies that work and use actual test questions to help students prepare. Don’t settle for anything less than the best GMAT study plan because your future is on the line. Visit us online to see how EMPOWERgmat can help you get the best GMAT score possible.

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